Adopt & Foster
Forever homes and fosters are always needed! Fill out an application on our website to make a difference in the life of a homeless dog today!

We’re always fundraising to help our fosters get placed and to help rescues in need. Want to help the animals in foster homes?
Check out our wish list!

We always need help! Network with our Just Paws Animal Rescue community, help with pet transport, and help us fundraise and foster!
About Just Paws Animal Rescue
We are an all volunteer, foster home-based program. Our adoption area is 2 hours within the Greater Toronto area. We are not a kennel or shelter and we do not have a central office or adoption location. Our volunteers work out of their homes and all of our dogs are housed and cared for by foster caregivers in a home setting. We have NO paid employees. All positions held are volunteers that give their time and talents to promote our mission.
See more of our fosters and adoptables here.
Ready to Foster?
Success Stories
Adoption Services
Take the time to find a dog that will fit into
your lifestyle.
Keep in mind these key points when deciding if a dog is right for you and your family.



Daily Exercise


Vet Bills
Meet and Greets with Adoptables
Each dog is special and unique and we look at the whole picture when matching our dogs with their new family. The foster caregivers of our dogs are your greatest resource. If you’re interested in applying, please submit an Adoption Application.
Veterinarian Support
We are lucky enough to have an amazing Vet to work with us and our fur babies. Donations can be made directly to Richmond Hill Animal Clinic.
Do NOT call the clinic with any questions about adopting/fostering an animal.
All inquiries can be submitted under our
Contact Us section.
Ready to Foster?
Foster homes are critical to animal rescue as we can save only as many dogs as we have foster space for. As a foster, you have a special task ahead of you. You must guide, teach, help, and love this refugee, without becoming this dog’s special one-and-only person. You must be ready to spend time and energy and love on this dog, and yet be able to give it up when the right family comes along. If everything works out right, someday not too far in the future, there will be a lump in your throat and maybe even tears in your eyes as you watch your foster dog eagerly leave your home and loving care for a new life with a new family.
There are so many healthy young vibrant animals sitting in high kill shelters right now, for no other reason than they are homeless. Too many times people will purchase a pet, then become overwhelmed and drop them off at the nearest shelter or rescue. Please contact your local rescues before visiting breeders!